About the Author

Welcome to Living, Learning, and Leading!

This Blog site has been a percolating idea, a want, a desire, a goal for quite some time.  The act of finally creating it is a result of a multitude of recent personal, life changing events. In other words, life happened.

This Blog site is dedicated to a very special person I have had the great privilege to know, both professionally and personally.  Elizabeth Dunsdon is my hero.  She made a difference to all who knew her, her students, their parents, colleagues, her family, and the greater community for which she served.  She believed deeply in her faith which carried her through her multiple challenges with cancer, right to the end.

In the last year of her life, Liz wrote a book, Stones of Remembrance. She did this with selflessness and great humility.  She wanted to tell her story in hopes of it helping others faced with whatever may be challenging them.  After reading her book, I shared with Liz that I had always wanted to start a blog.  Being educators, we both shared a love of words through reading and written expression.  She wholeheartedly encouraged me.  We lost Liz in February 2018.  I made a promise then that I would start my blog in her honor. Liz, this is for you!

The intent of this blog is to share my learning as it pertains to living and leading, both personally and professionally.  We have but one life.  I truly believe it is our duty to live it to the best of our ability in a learning forward way, not only for ourselves and our loved ones, and those we may serve, but also for those we don’t know, but whom we share space, time, and resources within the world we live.

I express my deepest gratitude for those who have been a part of my learning journey, either knowingly or unknowingly, through text, media or conversation. I am who I am and where I am thanks to you.