The Journey Begins

It has been said that learning is a choice. I understand this thinking but challenge the black and white nature of it.  Yes, in many instances, learning can be and is a conscience choice.  The learning behind creating this Blog site and this corresponding first post, for example, was clearly a choice, a conscious choice to learn, and my oh my was it big learning for me!

We are surrounded daily by unintended learning or unexpected experiences that provide personal and professional growth opportunities.  Often these are not sought after conscience choices, yet we are able learn from them.

I invite you, if you are not already, to be open to learning, truly open, to explore and embrace both the intended and unintended opportunities that are available to us each and every day.  Some bring excitement and joy, others challenges and hardship, but all are opportunities to move us forward and strengthen us physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually and spiritually.

The creation of this Blog site is the result of a cornucopia of learning along with a deep desire to express ideas using the power of words. It’s content will reflect some new and perhaps not so new revelations.  It will showcase queries, wondering, “ah ha” moments, reflections, and observations.  It will reflect a journey of learning as life is navigated with honest and respectful intent.  I am grateful for the opportunity to share my journey with you.